New Shenandoah Company records, 1831-1849.


New Shenandoah Company records, 1831-1849.

These records contain letters sent, reports, receipts and accounts (1848), field notes (1831-1832), 16 vols., book of estimates by James Herron for construction of canal and railroad along Shenandoah River (1833-34). C.B. Fisk surveyed the river in 1848-1849.

6 in.


SNAC Resource ID: 7152116

Library of Virginia

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Herron, James. (person)

New Shenandoah Company (Va.) (corporateBody)

Virginia. Board of Public Works (corporateBody)

An act of the General Assembly approved February 14, 1853 authorized formation of the Franklin and Monterey Road Company to construct a state road from Franklin in Pendleton County to Monterey in Highland County. The act was amended April 1, 1858 to approve one toll gate midway but exempting local traffic provided the two counties ensure maintenance. From the description of Franklin and Monterey Road Company records, 1853-1859. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 86147319 An act ...

Fisk, Charles B. (person)